Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snack Mix Cheddar & BBQ

Oooh, a new snack mix!  Can it dare to compare with Double Cheese?  Unfortunately, no. Cheese Crackers, Mini Pretzels, Bread Slices, Wheat Squares, and Pretzel Sticks.  So let me see if I understand this correctly.  Take the Snack Mix, get rid of the rice balls, add some barbecue seasoning and you're done?  Seems pretty lame.  Sure it tastes ok, but there's nothing in here that makes me want to buy it. Instead of removing snacks, why don't you add a new one specifically for the BBQ flavor?  C'mon Cheez-It, we all know you can put together a good snack mix.  So why don't you go out and try to best yourself, instead of making a lame attempt to merely monetize your existing snack offerings?  I'll give it a 6 for taste, but a D for effort.

1 comment:

the ripper said...

there are a variety of flavors no doubt, my fav after all is said and done is either the whole grain variety or the reduced fat simply because this is where I find the most overbaked crackers.

I see there are many discontinued flavors I have never tried of mostly Mexican cheese/spice variety. If I could have my way , it woulkd be 'reduced fat whole grain overbaked smokey cheddar crackers'