Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sweet and Salty Snack Mix

It's quite sweet, not very salty.  Regular Cheez-Its, sugary pretzels, sweet chex corn squares, caramel popcorn (a la cracker jack), and M&M's.  Everything is sweetened in here except for the Cheez-Its.  Perhaps it would be a better balance if the pretzels were salty instead of sweet.  After finishing a box I came to the conclusion that I simply don't want sweet Cheez-Its.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Hot & Spicy Cheddar Grooves

Neither hot nor spicy, but you get a nice paprika/pepper flavor punch.  These and the White Cheddar are the best of the Grooves.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Sriracha Snack Mix

Sriracha is everywhere these days, and now it's a snack mix flavor.    This mix has cheese crackers, corn squares, bread slices, pretzels, and crunchy curls.  You're jumping on the sriracha bandwagon, Cheez It, and for that you get a heartfelt meh. The new snack mixes
just can't come close to the magic of "Double Cheese".