Thursday, June 10, 2021

This is a very bland cracker, with a liberal application of hot-dust.  If you get a bite where there isn't a lot of seasoning, you get a cracker that is quite dull.  I was expecting Cheddar Grooves with extra heat, but this seems to be an entirely different flavor profile.  If this was hot and tasty (spicy) it would be something, but hot for the sake of hot is not appealing.  A rather boring cracker.  Move on.

Friday, May 31, 2019

White Cheddar

While writing up the not-so-fun fundido, I realized that I had never created a post for white cheddar.  So I bought a box and figured I would eat a few and then give the rest to my kids.  Well actually, the white cheddar wasn't as bad as I remembered.  It's bland, sure enough, but cheesy, and provides a good balance to another stalwart - cheddar jack.  I promise to stop hating on white cheddar from now on.  After all, something must be going right with this cracker since it's one of the few you can buy in a family size.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Queso Fundido

This is an attempt to amp up the blandness of white cheddar.  Sure, it's got a bit extra seasoning, but still quite tame.  There's supposed to be onion, tomato, and jalapeno flavors.  What that translates to is a cracker with flakes of three different colors on it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Cheesy Taco Grooves

So what we have here is a Chili-Cheese Frito.  The only difference is Fritos are corn chips, and Cheez Its are flour-based.  Nutrition information is virtually identical too.  Perhaps its time to accept the fact that I am no longer eating crackers, I'm buying chips.

I gotta stop buying this flavor.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Cheese Pizza

Total pizza flavor.  Not too cheesy though.  I like it, but ultimately, I want a slice of cheese pizza, not more crackers.  There was a problem with the crackers in this box that I've never experienced before.  Some of the crackers were really dense, almost like two crackers stuck together.  Not light and airy at all.  You could see the difference, they were slightly thicker than a normal cracker.  I'm guessing this is a problem that's not limited to the cheese pizza flavor, but I really don't know.  I imagine the crackers are baked first, then some are diverted in front of the "Cheese Pizza" flavor gun.  Anyways, the thick crackers were not good, this is a quality issue I hope to not see again.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Buffalo Wing

Holy vinegar Batman.  If you like sea salt & vinegar potato chips, you'll dig these.  For me, I'm one and done.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Bacon & Cheddar Duoz

My first reaction upon opening the box was that it smells like bacon-flavored dog treats.  I wonder if dogs get the same bacon flavoring as humans do?  The bacon crackers taste moderately like bacon, but are completely overpowered by the cheddar jack crackers.  Cheddar Jack is great, but the addition of bacon-flavored crackers don't seem to add to the experience, but rather diminish it.  I don't have a good explanation, but the Duoz always seem to fall short for me.